Volunteer Job Descriptions
Team leaders are looking for your help! Contact them to sign up for a crew for the season, or help when you are able. We have sign ups during the start of marching season to fill out our volunteer crews and welcome additional help at any time!
Band Camp
There are many volunteer needs during July band camp. Watch for volunteer polls through SignUp.com. Contact the Volunteer Coordinators to help!
Meal servers: Help serve lunch and dinner and then clean the tables after students leave
Pool Monitors: During the afternoon free time, monitor the student activity in the pool
area. The pool monitor is not responsible for lifeguard duties. A professional lifeguard
will be hired.
Nurse / Individuals certified in first aid: The first aiders are responsible for monitoring the students during the marching portions of camp for heat related stress and any other medical issues needed.
Camp Events: Chaperones, set-up, cleanup crews for band camp special events that take place on evenings during the week.
Uniforms Help
What is your superpower? Laundry? Sewing a button (er, sequin?), Helping marchers look great? We need you!
What uniform volunteers do during band camp:
• Help students find the correct size uniform and accessories
• Help the uniform mom scan uniform barcode info into Charms database
• Take shoe sizes for new marchers
• Possibly sew a simple hem (not a requirement)
• Help the uniform mom organize the uniform room and prep for marching performances
What uniform volunteers do during marching season:
• Arrive early with marchers before games & performances to oversee uniform pickup/appearance of marchers
• Have needle and thread ready for quick emergencies (not a requirement)
• Help uniform mom wash uniforms at school on weeknights
• Help uniform mom return clean uniforms to the correct hanger and section storage spot
What uniform volunteers do during concert season:
• In November, during the school day, help students find the correct dress or tux size from the uniform room
• Measure new band members for tux shirts as needed
• Hem concert dresses and make seam repairs as needed
• Touch up Iron/steam tuxes and dresses
Questions? Contact the Uniform Coordinator
North Band Invitational - Concessions are provided for the band invitational and are
run similar to football concessions. Volunteers are needed for set-up, cooking, selling,
and tear down. The invitational is a late-afternoon/evening event. ALL band families are needed to make this even a success! This even keeps our overall band fees very low compared to other bands!
Winter/Spring Concessions - The band works concessions during winter and spring
sporting events to earn money for the band
Contact the Concessions Coordinator to help.
Marching Band Invitational
Marching Band Invitational (General Band Fundraiser) – There are many elements
involved in hosting a marching band invitational – from hospitality for the judges and bands to
selling ad space in the program. Watch for volunteer/donation polls to come early fall through SignUp.com. Contact the Special Event Coordinator with questions.
Hospitality—prepare meals for judges, band directors, staff, and bus drivers.
Water Stations – provide water for bands before and after their performance.
Traffic Control – helping bands to park in their designated area. Stop traffic when band is
in transition from one venue to another.
Judges Secretary – attend to the judges requirements during the judging process.
Host – greet your band upon arrival, show them the restroom, and take them to warm-up
and performance venues.
Gate monitors, ticket and program sales - monitor entrance gates and sell tickets, patches, and programs.
Program Ad Sales – approach local area business regarding ad placement in the program design.
Prop Crew
Helping with props is a great way to jump into the fun! It is NOT necessary that you be able to make it to every event if you sign up to help with this part of the band. There is a lot of camaraderie within this group! And, you get to see performances for free! Questions? Contact the Prop Coordinator.
Prop Building: Building of props used on the field for performances. Carpentry and
construction skills are useful, but not necessary. Prop construction typically occurs
during July and August. May also meet Thursday evening for prop maintenance and
repairs during the season.
Prop Crew: Moving props on and off field during performance. These performances
include home football games and Saturday competitions. This crew also helps to load
and unload the prop truck for Saturday competitions
Transport and Pit Crew
These positions seem daunting, but are really very specific. Everyone is given a responsibility for a particular aspect of the job, thus the crew performs like a well-oiled machine. It is NOT necessary that you be able to make it to every event if you sign up to help with this part of the band. There is a lot of camaraderie within this group! And you can see competitions for free if you are helping on the competition field! Questions? Contact the Transport/Pit Crew Coordinator.
Football Games: the support crew is responsible for transporting the pit equipment from
the band practice field to the North football stadium and then placing the equipment,
props, etc. on the field for the halftime performance. After halftime, the equipment is
moved back to the school with the help of the band students playing in the pit.
Competition Days: the support crew is responsible for loading the pit equipment,
drums, and large instruments onto the transport, unloading the equipment at competition
site, placing equipment on the field for performance, reloading the equipment after
performance, and then unloading it once again upon the return to North after the
competition. Times vary depending upon the competition schedule.
Pit Crew: Moving pit (front percussion instruments) on and off the field during
performances. These performances include home football games and Saturday
Transport loading/unloading: Able-bodied people to load and unload instruments and
equipment on the Sound of North Semi. Typically done for Saturday performances.
Loading and unloading happens Saturday afternoons, at all performance sites, and also
when the band returns after competition. 10 people are needed for this.
The BEST way to get to know our great band kids! The chaperone crew forms at the beginning of marching season. You don’t have to commit to attend all events so you can come as you are available. The more the better to share the load! Questions? Contact the Chaperone Coordinator.
Marching Band Season
• Stay with students during competitions and away football game at East High School
• 2 chaperones ride each bus to and from competitions (~10 total people)
• Assist with uniforms as needed
• Help with glove taping
• Carry first aid boxes on buses
• Provide support for students, assist with comfort items and first aid
• Assist in any way needed (past activities include helping move front ensemble equipment and props, we get to go under Lucas Oil Stadium and onto the field!)
• If not needed on the field we cheer the band on during their performance from the stands!
Home Football Games
• Usually need ~4 chaperones for home football games
• Set up water station (fill coolers with ice/water, set up tables, fill cups during performance, clean up station at end)
• Assist with uniforms as needed
• Help with glove taping
• Carry first aid backpack to and from performance
• Provide support for students, assist with comfort items and first aid
Jazz Ensembles and Concert Band Competitions
• Stay with students during competitions
• 2 chaperones ride each bus to and from competitions (~4 total people)
• Carry first aid boxes on buses
• Provide support for students, assist with comfort items and first aid
• Assist in any way needed
• Enjoy performances!
First Aid
First-Aiders must be certified in First-Aid. You can take an on-line certification from multiple places at a reasonable price. Questions? Contact the Head Nurse.
Band Camp Responsibilities
• Stay at school during Band Camp hours
• Usually broken down into 4 hour shifts
• Remain in uniform room as the central place where students know where to go for help
• Assist students with first-aid needs
• Assist with water station set-up and maintenance
• Assist with uniforms as needed
• Assess first aid supplies and other equipment and replenish as needed
Sound of North Invitational
• Help is needed all day at 2 stations
• 1 station by the practice/warm up area
• 1 station by the north end zone of stadium
• 2 people per station at all times is preferred
• Usually broken down into shifts
• Assist students with first-aid needs
• Assist with water station maintenance
• Assist with uniforms as needed
• Assess first aid supplies and other equipment and replenish as needed
• We have been blessed in the past years to have Columbus Regional Health provide us with Paramedics to assist with our needs during this Invitational
Football Games and Marching Band Competitions
• Stay with students during game/competition
• Help chaperones as needed
• Uniforms
• Glove taping
• Carrying first aid supplies to and from field
• Water table and supplies
• During football games there are athletic trainers available
• Competitions usually have first-aid stations available
• Assist in any way needed
• Help move the front ensemble equipment and props
Concert Band/Jazz Competitions
• Make sure that first aid boxes are supplied for the chaperones to take on the buses
• Assist in any way needed