Kiwanis Incredible Duck Splash
This is a great Fundraising Opportunity to earn money for your band account.
The Kiwanis Incredible Duck Splash occurs each October and is a fundraising activity sponsored by the Meridian Kiwanis Club. Students sell duck “adoptions” and for each duck that someone “adopts”, they get one entry to win one of 20 prizes valued at up to $2,500. Sales generally start at the end of summer band camp and run until the end of September. Thousands of numbered rubber “Duckies” are dropped into the pond at Mill Race Park, with winning ducks drawn out at random.
$$ You get 80% of all money you raise! Sell $100 and $80 goes into your account.
$$ Once you find someone to adopt a duck, simply have them fill out the adoption form, collect their money, and turn into Mrs. Shute.
$$ There is NOTHING you need to do after the sale! Kiwanis takes care of notifying all the winners and distributing the prizes.
$$ You may sell as many ducks as you want. How much you earn is up to you!
Key things to remember
PLEASE SEE SHEET “COVID-19 Safer Selling Suggestions” for this year’s sale.
ALL forms need to be returned to The Kiwanis Ducks coordinator. This includes all unused forms! Please turn forms/money in as you sell them. Do not wait until the last night if at all possible. If you know you are not going to sell anything, please turn your forms in as soon as possible.
You may only sell ducks to people over 18 years of age.
Collect all money at the time of the sale and fill out the adoption form. (See the other side of this sheet for how to fill out the adoption form).
You need to complete one adoption form for each sale, but each person can buy up to 30 ducks / $100 multiple ducks on a single form.
You may pick up additional forms as you need them. You may not make your own copies (each form has a unique serial number).
The Kiwanis Ducks coordinator will be available outside the band room after practice on nights of full-band practice. You may pick up additional forms, turn in completed forms & money, return unused forms, or ask any questions you or your parents may have. Watch the newsletter announcements for this year’s key dates. Questions? Contact the Kiwanis Ducks coordinator.